April 30, 2021 – Unexpected Allies Plan To Stop Cyrus, Close Call, a Tribute, Switching Genres, Sonja Votes No, Lucky 13, Going Down, May Day, New Drag, a Cardinal Number of Quotes & New Jackson


What I Watched Today

(rambling, random thoughts & annoyingly detailed recaps from real time TV watching)

General Hospital

Carly says she doesn’t have time for Ava, but Ava says, it’s important. It’s about Avery. She’s in trouble. Carly tells her to come in, and asks, what kind of trouble? Ava says, the kind that comes from Cyrus Renault. Ava sees Laura on the couch, and Laura says, what about Cyrus? Carly’s phone rings, and it’s Britt.

Nina goes into the Tan-O, and Sonny says, hi. He asks how her friends is, and she says, on the mend. He asks how she is, and she says, fine. She was hoping he’d fill this thermos with coffee, so she could take it with her. He says, she’s going on a trip? and she says she’s bringing her friend back home. He says, he’s leaving Nixon Falls?

Jax struggles to put on his shirt, when Phyllis knocks on the door. He tells her, come in, and she rushes over to help him. She asks, how’s the shoulder? and he says, every time it flares up, he thinks about how Nina could have gotten shot, and how close he came to losing her. Phyllis says she sees. That means he’s not giving up on her. He says, he’s not, and she says, then he didn’t hear a word she said. He tells her, he heard every word she said, and he agrees with her. He has to respect Nina’s wishes. She asks if that shouldn’t be the end of it, and he says, it’s not the end; it’s a pause, a break between rounds. Because Nina’s worth fighting for.

Trina looks under the hood of the car, and Josslyn says, the dashboard light says, check engine. Trina says she’s checking, but she doesn’t know what she’s looking for. Josslyn looks at her phone and says she’ll see if she can find something online that can help. Trina says she’s sorry, but Josslyn says, what for? It’s not her fault the car overheated. Trina says she doesn’t think they’re going to get to Josslyn’s dad.

Alexis is working in the prison library, when Maggie asks if the warden is a friend of hers. Alexis says, no; why? and Maggie says, a cushy job like this needs connections. Just asking. Alexis hands Maggie two volumes, and says she pulled these books for her. They’ll help with her parole. Maggie thanks her, and says Alexis has been very helpful. She appreciates it. She adds, Alexis needs to watch out. Getting special treatment can put a target on your back. She leaves, and Alexis hears a voice saying he thinks he’s a bit overdue. She turns around to see Shawn, who says, hello, Alexis.

Britt tells Carly that she’s calling to tell her that her appointment has been rescheduled for Thursday, like she wanted. Carly thanks her, and says she’s feeling better already. Elizabeth approaches Britt and asks if she knows who installed all the new faces on the floor, like the janitor (i.e. the guy who was in Britt’s office yesterday) over there. Britt says she doesn’t know. HR approves new hires. Elizabeth asks if any of the new hires are security, or is one guard from Pentenville enough to handle Jason?

The guard says Cameron can’t be in Jason’s room, but Jason asks if he can stay. They need to talk.

Nina says, her friend can’t find his way back to Port Charles, so she’s going to drive him. Sonny says, good. The guy took a bullet. The least he deserves is a free ride, and a thermos full of Lenny’s coffee. She says she told him that she was going to drive to Port Charles; she didn’t say she was going to stay there. Sonny asks what she’s going to do. Drive there, and drop him off at his big mansion, and drive back? She says she’s going to take care of some stuff at Crimson, then she has a few loose ends to take care of. Then she’ll get in the car and drive back to Nixon Falls.  He says, it seems like a long drive to drop someone off and come back. Is her friend worth it? 

Jax tells Phyllis that he has a lot to prove to Nina, and he’s going to start by helping her be a part of her grandson’s life. He spoke to the boy’s father, and he seems open to it. Phyllis says she’s glad he’s doing what he can to help Nina see her grandson, and he says, but? She says she’s hoping it’s not just an avenue he’s using to win Nina back. He says, he loves her, and wants her back, but he wants her happiness more. She asks if he loves Nina enough to let her go.

Trina tells Josslyn, her mom’s motor club is sending someone. If they can’t fix it, they’ll tow them. They should be there within the hour. Josslyn says she’d hate to drive all this way to see her dad, and by the time they get there, he’s gone. Trina says, maybe they should have stuck to Plan A, and gone to the volleyball championship in Syracuse. At least they’d be with their friends. Josslyn says, sorry. She’d rather be pulled over there, with a check engine light. Sitting on the sidelines would be just another reminder that her final season is over, and so are her hopes for getting off the waitlist at SCU. Trina says she knows Josslyn is disappointed, but it’s Southern Coastal’s loss, and PCU’s gain. Think about how much fun they’ll have at PCU. Josslyn guesses she’s right, and Trina says, if Cameron bails on California, and joins them, that’s even better. Josslyn says she knows Trina is trying to make her feel better, but she has no idea what to do about Cameron right now. He’s convinced Jason killed Franco, and wants her to agree, but she won’t. She knows Jason didn’t do it. How do they get past that? Trina says, maybe start be realizing what’s going on between her and Cameron isn’t entirely about Jason. It’s also about Josslyn and Cameron.   

The guard says Cameron can talk to the prisoner, but the door stays open. He’ll be right outside. Cameron tells the guard, yes, sir. He says, Jason wanted to talk, so talk. Jason says, you go first. That’s why Cameron came there. Cameron tells him, he had a lot to say when he first found out Jason was there. Now that he sees Jason, he wants to see Jake’s father, the father Jake believes in so much, but he can’t. He just sees the person who killed Franco.

Britt asks if she has to remind Elizabeth that Jason is a patient there, and will be treated as such. Elizabeth says, so that guy over there has nothing to do with Jason? and Britt says, it might surprise Elizabeth, but HR doesn’t need to clear personnel decisions with the part-time nursing staff. Elizabeth says, something strange is going on. Jason is there for a minor stab wound, something that could have been treated in the prison infirmary. Why? Britt says, maybe it looked worse than it was. Maybe they were afraid of being sued by the Quartermaines. Who knows? Clearly, Jason’s presence there is upsetting Elizabeth. Maybe it’s time they had a talk about her status at GH.   

Carly asks Ava, what’s going on with Avery? and Ava says, Cyrus came by, and claimed he was there to see Nikolas. When she said Nikolas wasn’t there, Cyrus made himself at home anyway. Carly tells her to get to the part about Avery, and Ava says Nikolas thought if he got Cyrus’s mother back, Alexis would be kept safe in Pentenville. Laura says she told him he was making a deal with the devil, and Ava says, they all did. When she suggested to Cyrus that he had no further business with Nikolas, he started talking about family; how Nikolas was his nephew, and she was his niece-in-law. Then he picked up a photo of Avery, and pointed out how she bears a striking resemblance to her father. Carly says, that son of a bitch. Now does Laura see why Carly needs her help?

Nina tells Sonny that she’ll be gone two days, three tops. He says he’s glad to hear it. Who else would risk their toes being his dance partner? He asks if he can be a little pushy, and she says, why stop now? He says, it seems like she’s going out of her way for this guy who hurt her; keeping a secret about her child from her. What decent man does that? She says, he was trying to spare her some pain, which was not his decision to make. He should have trusted her enough to believe she was strong enough to face the truth. Eli comes in, and says, trust. That’s the key to every lasting relationship. Wouldn’t Mike/Sonny agree?

Jax tells Phyllis, if Nina is happier without him, of course (🍷) he’ll let her go. In the meantime, he reserves the right to at least try. She says she can tell he would move heaven and earth for Nina, if he could, and he says he would. She says, what if Nina’s not looking for a superhero, but just someone who will simply tell her the truth? He says, unlike him. He can assure Phyllis, it was an isolated incident. She says, one he can’t take back. Nina came there looking for a different life. It’s too soon to say if she found it, but if she decides she’s found a future there in Nixon Falls, then he has to let her choose it. She wishes him a safe journey, and he says, what if Nina decides her life is in Port Charles? Phyllis says, then he needs to step back, and let Nina come to him.

Josslyn tells Trina that she and Cameron were good until Franco was killed, and Cameron convinced himself Jason did it. Trina says, what if they weren’t? What if something was wrong between them already? Josslyn asks what Trina is trying to tell her, and Trina says she shouldn’t have mentioned it. It’s not her place to say. Josslyn says, since when has that stopped her? and Trina says, never, and Josslyn deserves to know. Josslyn says, know what? and Trina says, not what, who. May he rest in peace.

Alexis says, not that she’s complaining, but how did Shawn get access into the women’s wing? He says, special privilege; to access books the men’s wing doesn’t have on the shelves. Of course (🍷) he had to wait a couple of years to prove himself before they let him in. He asks what her secret is, and she says, they needed a library assistant, and everyone has always said she comes across bookish. He says, when TJ told him that she was sentenced there, he thought TJ made a mistake. She says, just a cavalcade of great personal errors, and he says, TJ told him that she pled guilty. She says she wanted to face the consequences, and as it happens, those consequences are right here. He asks if it’s true she stabbed Dante, and she says she went on a booze-fueled rampage, and almost killed Franco, but Dante got in the way. He says, that’s a lot, and she says it is. Does he remember how he couldn’t quit working for Sonny, and it ended with him being put in there? She couldn’t quit drinking, and it landed her there. He says she remembers them, and she says he’s not easy to forget. He says he doesn’t look back and try to figure out what might have been; not too much anyway. She says, eyes forward, and he says, something like that. She says, it turns out they’re family anyway; they’re in-laws. He says, Molly and TJ. Who knew when they met all those years ago as a couple of kids, they’d go the distance? She says, lucky them, and he agrees.

Elizabeth says she barely has any status left, and Britt says, the fact is, Elizabeth lost her husband, horribly and violently, and then came back to work too quickly. The head of infectious diseases asked that she be reassigned not to care for Detective Chase. If this pattern continues, Britt’s hands will be tied, and she can’t help. She thinks a leave of absence is in order – effective immediately

Cameron says, Jake keeps telling him that Jason didn’t do it. Jason says he told Jake the truth, and it’s exactly what he’ll tell Cameron. Cameron wonders if Jason is going to make him ask if he did it. He already knows the answer. Jason says, based on what? Cameron wasn’t there; he doesn’t know what happened. Cameron says, the cops think he did it. They arrested Jason and sent him to prison. Jason says, to await trial. He’s innocent until proven guilty. Cameron says that works great for Jason. He thinks he’ll get away with it, and why not? Jake thinks he’s a hero, Josslyn thinks he’s so great, but Franco is his hero, and he was an art therapist, not a killer like Jason.

Ava says, the way Cyrus was admiring that photo, you could practically hear it would be a shame if anything happened to her tanging in the air. Laura says, this has got to stop, and Carly asks if that means Laura will help her. Ava asks, help with what? but Carly says it doesn’t concern Ava. Ava tells Carly, if it concerns her mother-in-law and her daughter, she’d say it concerns her. Carly says, Ava chose to back Nikolas, who put them in the position of losing the leverage they had left, and Ava tells her, give it a rest. Carly kidnapped a sick old lady. Laura says, in fairness, Florence was well-cared for and happy, but when they had her, they had a check on Cyrus. That check is gone now. Ava says, Nikolas thought he was helping his aunt, and Laura says she knows, but the reality is that Cyrus has been unleashed. Carly says, Nikolas made a huge mistake, so if they find they have the devil at their door, that’s on them.  She’ll do anything to help Avery, but she’s not going to rescue Ava. Ava says she’s not there to ask for help. She’s there to offer it.

Sonny asks how long Eli was listening to their private conversation, and Eli says, does Sonny mean when did he walk into an open public establishment and hear the tail end of a conversation? Just now. Sonny asks where at the tail end did Eli feel there were asking him to give input? and Nina says, enough. She has to go to the clinic, get her friend, and drive him to Port Charles. While she’s gone, are they going to play nice, or does she have to call Lenny to referee? Sonny says he’s got work to do, and Eli tells her, don’t worry; they’ll behave. He hopes she hurries back. It’s not the same without her. She gets her bag, and smiles at Sonny. When she’s gone, Eli tells Sonny, Nina is right. They don’t have to be enemies. They want the same thing. Sonny says, what’s that? and Eli says, they both care about Nina, Lenny and Phyllis, and Nixon Falls, but thanks to the robbery the other night, the town he loves, the town Sonny adopted as his new home, is teetering on brink. Sonny says, and whose fault is that, Elijah?

Josslyn asks if this is about Oscar, but Trina says, it’s about Dev. She didn’t want to say anything because the loss is so fresh, but it’s been there, bubbling beneath the surface undermining Josslyn’s friendship with Cameron, and she didn’t even know it. Josslyn says, know what? and Trina says, before he died, Dev did something selfish, almost borderline creepy. He somehow found her journal, and showed it to Cameron. Josslyn asks if that’s why her journal is missing, and Trina says, yeah. She asks when Trina found out, and why she waited so long to say something. Trina says, it didn’t seem important, and happened a long time ago, but Josslyn says she thinks she should be the judge of that. Trina says she didn’t want to tarnish Dev’s memory, and Josslyn says she can see that. Trina says, and Cameron is still upset, and Josslyn says, he’s upset because Dev took her journal? Trina says, he’s upset about what was in it, and Josslyn says Trina lost her. What upset Cameron? Trina tells Josslyn that she’s already said too much. Josslyn needs to ask Cameron. The tow guy shows up, and says, Dr. Robinson? Trina thanks him for coming so quick, and tells him the car was overheating. He says, I’ll see what I can do about that, doc.  

Elizabeth says, a leave of absence is the last thing she needs. She needs more work. Britt asks if it’s about money, and Elizabeth says, of course (🍷) it’s about the money, but the only helping her heal is to work. Please reconsider. Britt says, okay. They’ll table the discussion for now, but take the rest of the day off – with pay. Britt will cover Elizabeth’s shift. Elizabeth starts to protest, but Britt says, go home. Elizabeth leaves, and the custodian watches.

Jason says he gets that Cameron needs to blame someone, but that doesn’t make it true. Cameron says, what makes it true is Jason pulling the trigger and murdering his stepfather. Britt comes in, and says, what’s going on? She asks what Cameron is doing, and Cameron says, he hopes they keep Jason nice and safe. He hopes Jason has a long life in prison, and dies and old man behind bars. He leaves, and Jason says, let him go. Britt says, he’s a charmer, and tells the guard that she needs to examine Jason, closing the door. She asks what that was about, and Jason says Cameron thinks he killed Franco. Britt says, Cameron is clearly in pain. Why doesn’t Jason help him, and tell him that it was Peter?

Ava tells Carly, Cyrus put Lulu in a coma, and put Jason in prison. She wouldn’t be surprised if he had something to do with what happened to Sonny. Now he’s threatening Ava’s husband and daughter. He’s threatening their girl. As much as Ava doesn’t like admitting it, Avery is theirs. Tell her what they’re up to, and let her help. Laura says she was on the fence until she heard Cyrus’s latest threat, against a child. They have to do something, and they have to do it now and do it together. All of them.

Eli says he hopes Mike/Sonny isn’t blaming him for Nixon Falls failing economy. Brick and mortar is suffering everywhere. Even Drummond’s Pawn Shop is struggling, and it thrives when people are forced to sell. Sonny says, hard times. He’s not blaming Eli for the economy, but he’s not sure about the robbery at the firehouse. Eli says Sonny thinks he had something… and Sonny says, Eli did leave before the shooting started. Eli says, he’s responsible because he wasn’t there? Mike/Sonny was in the thick of it, and not for the first time. Like he told Lenny, crime seems to follow Mike/Sonny wherever he goes. Why is that? What is the secret to his terrible timing?

Nina asks Jax how he’s doing, and he says he’s been released. He signed the paperwork, and back to Port Charles he goes. She asks if he’s walking back. She knows he can’t fly the plane with his shoulder like that. He says, of course (🍷), he’s made other arrangements, and she says, cancel them. She has a full tank of gas, and a thermos full of Lenny’s coffee. She’s driving him back home. She’s parked out front, and ready to roll. He says he’s sorry. He appreciates it, but he’s afraid he has to decline.

Alexis asks what made Shawn decide to get a business degree, and he says he spent the first few years proving how tough he was. Survival of the fittest. She says she’s familiar with that. Unfortunately, Darwin isn’t her friend there.  He says, he figured he had to take something from this place besides battle scars, so he started a group for inmates suffering from PTSD. That’s how he got access to the library. He started reading about business, and discovered he had a knack for it. She says, so here he is, and he says, one day, he’ll put it to use, if he lives that long. She says here’s hoping they both get out of there. She had a close call. He says, just one? and she says, a special one. He says she doesn’t look banged up, and she says, somebody intervened. He says, maybe someone got a notice from someone on the outside? and she says, something like that. She’s sure Sonny looked out for him when he was in there, and Shawn says, he was, but he knew he could trust Sonny. If someone comes to her with a deal that sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Jason says Britt saw how angry Cameron was. If he knew the truth… Britt says he’s right. Cameron would probably get in Peter’s face with the whole, you killed Franco and now I’m going to make you pay, and then Peter would kill him too. It’s good of Jason to take the hit. As long as Cameron keeps his anger directed at Jason, he should be safe. Jason says, until they can prove Peter did this. She smiles, and he says, what? She says, for an unfeeling killer, he can be kind of sweet. He says she shouldn’t be there, but she says it’s the only place they can have a private conversation. He says, Cyrus could be watching, and she says, that ship has sailed; Cyrus already called her out for spending too much time with him.

New custodian wheels his supplies past Jason’s room. He goes around the corner, and calls Cyrus. He says, she’s in with Jason now… He can’t hear. The door is closedOkay. He’ll let Cyrus know. He watches as Britt sits down by Jason’s bed.

Carly says she doesn’t know what part Ava can play in this, and Ava says Carly is always accusing her of being ruthless. Now’s her chance to use that ruthlessness to her advantage. Laura says, Ava is right. Carly should listen to her. The one thing Carly and Ava have in common is their love for Avery, like she and Ava have their love for Nikolas in common. Let’s be real. They all have their reasons to distrust one another, but the one thing they can all agree on is, nothing is more important than their children. This man has taken her daughter from her, and she’s not going to stand by and watch him take Nikolas too. Whatever Carly has planned, she doesn’t want to know about it, but maybe Ava can help. Carly says she thinks Laura is right. Working together is the only way to stop Cyrus. Ava asks what she can do, and Carly says, call Cyrus and invite him to dinner at Windymere tonight.   

Sonny tells Eli, great question. He goes day to day, minding his own business, and trouble seems to come out of nowhere, like somebody wants bad things to happen to him, and has the force to make it happen. Maybe it’s just his paranoia talking. Does Eli know what the one good thing about Nina leaving is? Eli won’t be able to use her to pump up interest in Nixon Falls while he drives the real estate prices down. Eli says he doesn’t follow, and Sonny says, Eli’s friends keep buying real estate, and everyone is selling. Nina’s article comes out, and everybody says, Nixon Falls is a great destination; everybody’s got to go there. And when they come, Eli will sell – at a profit. Is he right? Eli says, that’s fascinating. For a guy who doesn’t know his own name, he sure has it figured out. Sonny yells that he’s got Eli figured out, Eli yells back, and they start with the no, you stuff. Phyllis comes in and asks if this is the thanks she gets for taking both of them in, and treating them like family. Is this how they disrespect her?  

Nina says Jax came all this way to talk to her, and she offers to spend hours on the road with him, and he turns her down? Jax says, let’s be honest. The two of them in a car after all that’s been said… She says he’s probably right. It’s a bad idea. He says, besides, he’s already made arrangements for a car and driver; they’re waiting outside. Josslyn walks in, and asks if someone asked for a driver. Don’t just stand there. Come hug your daughter… or don’t. What happened to his arm? He’d said it was a minor injury. He says, it’s fine. The bullet barely grazed his shoulder.

Elizabeth asks Cameron what he’s doing there, and he asks why she didn’t tell him that he was there. She says he means Jason. Please don’t tell her that he tried to see Jason. That’s exactly why she didn’t tell him; she wanted to spare him. He says, Jake and Josslyn kept saying Jason didn’t do it. Part of him thought maybe there was something decent in Jason. Jake loves him, so he can’t be all bad. But he is.

Britt tells Jason that she’d better be on her way, before the guard thinks she’s giving him preferential treatment. She wouldn’t want it to get back to the boss. He says, this is her last chance; she doesn’t have to do this. She says she knows the risks to her or anyone she cares about. Thankfully, it’s a small list. She puts her shaking hand in her pocket, and says, nobody lives forever. It’s how you live that matters. She spent a lot of her life on the wrong side. It’s about time she tried the right one. Jason says, but there’s one more thing he needs her to do.

Ava says, excuse her? and Carly says, Ava heard her. Invite Cyrus to dinner. Ava asks if she should make it a family affair, and Carly says, even better. Ava asks how a dinner party is going to neutralize Cyrus, and Carly says, trust has its limits. Call the man. The clock is ticking, and they’re running out of time.

Jax tells Josslyn, yes, it was an act of courage and heroism, and Nina says, he’s not wrong. Jax says he can tell her the rest on the drive home, and Nina says, they have a long drive ahead of them. They should probably hit the road. Jax says, especially in an ankle boot. How did Josslyn get there? He thought she was supposed to go to the state tournaments, and that her ankle was healing. Josslyn says, they’ll talk on the way home, as soon as Trina gets back with the car. Nina says, Trina is here too? and Josslyn says they borrowed her mom’s car. Trina was starving, so she dropped Josslyn off and went to get something to eat. Nina says, so she went to a drive-through? but Josslyn says, she wanted to go to a super cute place they saw on their way here. It’s called the Tan-O.   

Sonny apologizes to Phyllis. He meant no disrespect. Eli says, him either; no excuses. He tells Mike/Sonny, no hurt feelings? and they shake hands. Phyllis says she knows they’re putting on a show right now, but she hopes they actually take the opportunity to learn how to get along. Eli says he’s willing to bury the hatchet if Mike/Sonny is, and Sonny shrugs, saying, that’s part of the show, but if it’s what Phyllis wants, it’s what they’ll do. Eli says, absolutely, and leaves. Phyllis tells Sonny, he knows she can read his tone, and he says, it’s just the fact that Eli thinks he can snow Phyllis that’s disrespectful. Phyllis asks if that’s what Sonny is doing right now, but he says at least he’s telling the truth. That takes some honesty. She says, nice save. She still needs something from him. He says, name it, and she says if he wants Nina to be happy in Nixon Falls, help make it a place where she finds peace, and harmony, not shouting and aggression. Can he manage that? He says he can do that, and she says she believes he can do better than that. He asks if she ever gets tired of being right, and she says, never. Now get to work. He laughs, and they go into the back. Trina comes in the Tan-O.    

Alexis asks if Shawn is telling her to refuse help if it comes from the inside or the outside, and he says, that depends. If it comes from someone like Cyrus Renault, that kind of favor comes at a price. She asks what she should do; quit her job the first day to get the target off her back. He says, hell no. How else could he see his favorite in-law? Just remember, she’s got a friend inside too.

Elizabeth tells Cameron, Jason’s not all bad, but Cameron asks how she can say that. She saw him looming over Franco’s body. She says she saw the way he was talking to Jake. He says Jason lied in Jake’s face. She knows Jason is guilty as well as he does.

On the phone, Ava says she was thinking about what Cyrus said about the importance of family. She’d like to invite him to dinner with her and Nikolas at Windymere. Not just the three of them. She’s invited Martin… If they’re having difficulty in communicating, she’s sure Laura will… Yes, Laura is going to be there… Oh yes, she agreed to come. Dare I say, she’s looking forward to it. It will be a true family affair.

Britt says she knows it’s a change of pace for Jason. She senses asking people for things, such as help, isn’t something he does well. What can she do for him? He says she needs to leave, and she says, and go where? He says, if things go sideways, she needs deniability, from the cops and Cyrus. She says, okay. She’ll take herself to the MetroCourt, and have a very public drink, while all hell is breaking loose there. Get that bastard of a brother of hers. And while he’s at it, try not to die. As his doctor, she would take that personally.

As Carly and Ava walk Laura to the door, Laura says, well done, and Ava thanks her. Laura says she’s going home to try and wrap her mind around what she just agreed to. It should be a night to remember. Laura leaves, and Ava tells Carly, she’ll keep Cyrus at Windymere for as long as she possibly can, and good luck with whatever Carly’s part of the plan is. Carly says, wait. She believes Ava is doing this to keep Avery safe, and believes Ava will keep her end of the bargain, but if she’s wrong, and this is a double-cross… Ava says, it’s not. For once, they’re on the same side. Cyrus won’t know what hit him.

On Monday, Cyrus wonders why they’re at Windymere, Carly tells Spinelli that she doesn’t like it at all, and the guard tells Jason, it’s time to go.

💣 It Would Have Been Chaos…

Sonny almost gave GH the slip.

🕶 Save the Date…

On May 21st, GH will pay tribute to one of our favorite spies.

🍀 Lucky Gets Lucky…

Funny though, no mention of GH.


🦞 No Vote For You…

Not unless she gets a purse full of lobsters.


🗽 New New York…

What’s to come on RHONY.

‘Real Housewives of New York’ Fans Will Not Believe Who Pops Up in the Season 13 Premiere

New Wife Eboni and Leah have a pregame dish.


🏆 Oscars So Low Rated…

Even lower than the Snow White fiasco.


The search for answers.


💐 Tra-La It’s May…

The lowdown on May Day.


🤯 Mind Officially Blown…

My favorite drag queen of all time does a Jackson duet. (See below for full video.)

🌬 Quotes of the Week

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. – Arthur C. Clarke

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. – William James

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. – Jim Rohn

Rejection is an opportunity for your selection. – Bernard Branson

You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being served. – Nina Simone

Even if it makes others uncomfortable, I will love who I am. – Janelle Monáe

If you prioritize yourself, you are going to save yourself. – Gabrielle Union

Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.Vince Lombardi

One child, one teacher, one pen, and one book can change the world. – Malala Yousafzai

Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway. – Mary Kay Ash

Confidence comes not from always being right, but from not fearing to be wrong. – Peter McIntyre

Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. – George Addair

The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind. – Caroline Myss

We can’t even get cable TV here, and you want romance. – Linda Barrett (Phoebe Cates), Fast Times at Ridgemont High

🐧 Sliding Back Out Like…

Here it is again, those days once known as the weekend, before darkness fell on the land. But I hear they might be a thing again soon, so start practicing. And no matter which day it is, stay safe, stay lighthearted, and stay not being selfish and/or borderline creepy by stealing someone’s journal.

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